Can Security provide us Security?
As we all know that there various CCIE examination. To choose which examination is a considerable question. CCIE Security, since past 20 years has increased its demand manifolds. The opportunities are hostile which provides recognitions not nationally but globally as security is the utmost priority in any industry. It is one of the most demanded IT Networking Certification and is also most prestigious track under CCIE certification as they provide high pay scale, top designations in the most renowned technocrats. We are here to provide some basic yet vital information regarding CCIE Security Examination.
We can start by asking an important question Why to get CCIE Security certified?
As per above context, there are various other certification to choose from which is the question that we need to answer. To simplify this we are trying to exhibit benefits as this certification needs the individual to invest time, money and efforts to get this certification. Few decision maker points could be:
It is a remunerative certification – This certification entitle you to a high salary. This certification is considered as a one of the highest paid IT certifications. According to the previous stats of IT industry there is a global need 200000 CCIE Security certification holders.
Increased job opportunities – In terms of designation once you become a CCIE Security certification holder you can anticipate a lot of jobs. Positions which opens up are Network Administrator, Network Security Engineer, Network Security Administrator and Network Security Specialist. With these range of designation you can easily find your choice of job anywhere in the world